Aston Replay link in Blackboard pointing to an incorrect module

Under certain circumstances, clicking on the Aston Replay link in a Blackboard course may take you to a different course’s Replay content

After a course copy, clicking on the Aston Replay link in the 2015 course may take you out of that course and into the 2014 one.

You can fix this by deleting the Aston Replay menu item in the 2015 course, and adding it back (see steps 2-7 on this page) – or email and we’ll do it for you.


2 thoughts on “Aston Replay link in Blackboard pointing to an incorrect module

  1. Having upgraded the Panopto building block (which lets Panopto talk to Blackboard) to the latest version, we are still seeing this behaviour. If you run a course copy, the destination course’s Panopto tool points to the source course’s.

    We’ve reached out to Panopto.

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