Share an individual session

Choose who you want to get access to individual sessions or entire folders

This tutorial is intended for when you want to share sessions with people outside of the context of a module delivered by Blackboard.

If you want to record sessions for your modules, you’ll need to provision the Blackboard course in Panopto instead.

You can amend the sharing settings to release the session more widely. Options are to share with:

Specific people
Named people, either people within Aston or external email addresses, have access to view
Anyone at your organisation with the link
The session will not be listed on, but will be available to anyone who has the link (eg via an email) after they have logged in using their Aston username & password
Anyone at your organisation
The session will be listed on for anyone to find and view, once they have logged in using their Aston username & password
Anyone with the link
Anyone who has the link, eg via an email, will be able to view the session
Public on the web
The session will be listed on, for anyone to view


Share with specific people

  1. Log into Aston Replay (How?)
  2. Find the session you want to share, and click the Share link that appears underneath
  3. Make sure that Who has access says Specific People.
  4. In the box underneath Invite people, enter their email address or username. When the 
    Aston users
    This could be their email address, their Aston username, or their surname. Panopto will search for matches while you’re typing. Make sure you select the one beginning with blackboard\
    If you’re adding a non Aston University email address, that user will receive a link to the session, and they will be able to view it even if the session itself isn’t public.

    Tip You can add multiple users by separating them with commas. When you paste the comma separated list in, select the option to Add multiple users from Aston’s Blackboard

  5. By default, Panopto will send an email notification. If you want, you can add a personal message, or switch off the notification email
  6. Click Send and save changes or, if Panopto isn’t sending an email invitation, click Save changes.

External users will follow the link in the email. If Panopto is sending an email invitation, Aston users can follow the link, and they will also see the session listed on when they’re logged in.

When sharing with external users:

  • The recipient can forward this link on to anyone else, and they will also be able to see the recording. You will be able to revoke access to the user’s email address, see below.
  • They will show up in statistics as anonymous users