Google Chrome on Windows blocks Silverlight

Google Chrome is phasing out support for legacy browser plugins, one of which is Silverlight – currently a requirement for Aston Replay

PanoptoSilverlightBlockedNoPromptThe most recent update to Google Chrome on Windows has started blocking these from automatically running.

If you see a screen telling you to install Silverlight, and you know you have it installed, you’ll need to follow these steps to allow Silverlight to run

If you’ve already followed the steps to continue using the Kaltura screen recorder in Google Chrome, you won’t need to follow these steps. You’re good to go

Chrome on OS X does not support Silverlight at all.

To continue viewing Replay sessions on OS X, you will need to use a different browser. More information

  1. In Chrome, copy this link chrome://flags/#enable-npapi and paste it into your address bar (you won’t be able to click it to follow it)
  2. ChromeEnableNPAPIUnderneath Enable NPAPI (which will be highlighted), click Enable
  3. Relaunch ChromeYou’ll need to restart Chrome for the change to take effect. Click Relaunch Now at the bottom of the window
  4. PanoptoSilverlightBlockedGo back to the session you want to view. You should see jigsaw pieces on the page
  5. ChromePluginIconIn the address bar, click the jigsaw icon
  6. AlwaysAllowPluginsIn the popup, click Always allow plug-ins on, then click Run all plug-ins this time

You will only need to do this once per browser.

What’s next?

Future versions of Google Chrome on Windows will remove support for Silverlight entirely. Google have said this will be in September 2015. There’s more information about this decision on the Chromium blog, the open source project behind Google Chrome.

What about Aston Replay?

The next version of Panopto, the system behind Aston Replay, can record content in a format that doesn’t require Silverlight to view. We’ll be upgrading to this before the start of the 2015-16 academic year.