Panopto 5.3

Aston Replay was upgraded to Panopto 5.3 just before Christmas.

There are no major changes to either the recorders (which remain at the same version in teaching rooms), the integration with Blackboard, or the main Replay site, but there are a couple of new and improved features.


Create quizzes in the editor, and take them within the viewer. Note This isn’t available to creators by default. Email and we can enable it for you.


Manually select a thumbnail from from the session, or upload a custom image.

There are more improvements to the HTML5 editor including the ability to upload slides into the video timeline, and switching between multiple primary video feeds for multi-camera recordings.


You now get access to the automatically generated transcripts (previously only used for searching through slides).

While they’re not 100% accurate, and not intended to replace human transcription, they can be better than starting from scratch if you need to add captions to your sessions. More information.

For viewers using captions, they can now configure where they are displayed, and how big the captions are.

More information

Full details are available via the release notes on Panopto’s support site, or you can view a recording of a webinar introducing the new version below.

What’s New in Panopto 5.3?