Panopto 5.2

Panopto IconAston Replay was updated to Panopto 5.2 on Saturday night. Here’s what’s new.

Personal folder

If you are able to record content (eg you’re an instructor on a Blackboard course), you will now have access to a personal Panopto folder. This is a private sandbox where you can record sessions to, then either share them to people as required, or move into another folder where people can view.

HTML5 Editor

HTML5 Editor

Easy editing from any web browser – Silverlight is no longer required.

Panopto Recorder


There are improvements to selecting a folder in the recorder. Your most recent folders are listed at the top, and you can also search for a folder to record to.

You can install this on your own computers yourselves, or if you want the new recorder on an Aston managed PC, contact

We’ll be upgrading the recorders installed in teaching rooms and labs over the summer. As those are a couple of versions behind, we’ll do a round up post of all the new features nearer the time.

More information

If you would like to read more on the new features, take a look at the What’s New in Panopto 5.2 post on the Panopto blog, and the 5.2 release notes on the Panopto support site.

If you have any questions about the above, or about Replay in general, email