Panopto Updated

If you’ve used Replay today, you’ll have noticed that it has got a new look – that’s not the only thing the new version of Panopto brings us

We’ve moved to the latest version of Panopto (4.6.1). Read on for a list of changes and updates

New interface

All sessionsA new look and feel for

New viewer

New playerAs part of the new look and feel, there is a redesigned viewer. Panopto have prepared a video showing these changes in more detail.

Optical Character Recognition

4.6.1. OCRPreviously, only content recorded in PowerPoint or Keynote was searchable. Now, on newly recorded sessions, you’ll be able to search through every word that appears on screen: In presentations, screen captures, and content recorded with a camera such as a visualiser or an iPhone.

Schedule availability of sessions

4.6.1 Folder availabilitySet availability rules on sessions or folders so you can control when they are released and revoked. Read more

Sharing improvements

4.6.1 Share ScreenInstructors have always been in control of who sees their sessions, either making them public or sharing with individuals. Now they can set a folder or individual sessions to be viewable by anyone who can sign into the site to share content across the university.

Known issues

There are currently some known issues, to do with editing session information and changing the order of settings. We are working on getting them resolved as soon as possible.