Podcasts and downloads

Panopto creates MP4 video versions of your sessions, primarily to use on mobiles/tablets, but you can also let your students download or subscribe to podcasts of these files

These are enabled by default for every folder (more information)
These are opt in on a folder-by-folder basis

These options are changed on the settings screen for the folder. You can get to the settings screen one of two ways

  1. Go to the course in Blackboard
  2. Click on the Aston Replay link in the course menu
  3. Click the Hover Settings Icon settings icon near the top right of the list of Panopto sessionscog
  1. Log into the Panopto server (How?)
  2. Click the name of the folder you want to disable podcasts for. You can see the list of all your folders on the left hand side by clicking Browse
  3. Folder settings cogNow that you’re viewing the folder, click the settings icon (the cog) near the top right of the screen
  4. Folder settings tabClick the Settings tab on the left hand side

Tick/untick Enable podcast feed and Enable authenticated users to download podcasts to change the option
