What are my rights?
When a lecturer delivers a lecture which is recorded he or she will be classed as a ‘performer’ for the purposes of intellectual property law and may have performer’s rights. It would be an infringement of a lecturer’s performer’s rights to record a lecture, or make a copy of any such recording, without the lecturer’s permission. The University therefore requires your consent to record your lectures and disseminate these recordings to students.
Why does the University wish to do this?
The University believes that providing students with the facility to access recorded lectures, for example, via the intranet and internet will have clear educational benefits. For example, during revision periods students will be able to refer back to earlier lectures and students for whom English is not their first language will be able to listen to lectures more than once if they wish.
What am I agreeing to if I sign the consent form?
In completing the consent form you will be agreeing the following:
- Consent applies to the lectures that you choose to record;
- if you rely on any materials during your lecture (such as a film clip or sound recording) you are legally entitled to do so and are not in breach of anyone else’s legal rights, such as, copyright. Please note that this is a legal obligation which lecturers should already be complying with in any event;
- you will take responsibility for notifying everyone attending the lecture that it is being recorded. This ensures that the attendees’ legal rights are also protected;
- you will ‘license’ your performer’s rights to the University. This means that you give the University permission to disseminate your recorded lectures;
- you waive all moral rights in your performance. This means that you waive your right to be identified as a performer; and
- you consent to the recording for data protection purposes. Images of a lecturer giving a lecture are classed as ‘personal data’ under the Data Protection Act 1998 (“DPA”). The University requires your consent to record and transmit any such personal data.
Why should I sign the consent form?
As outlined above, there are tangible benefits to individual students having remote access to recordings of lectures.
Furthermore, in providing this service Aston University continues to set itself apart as a pioneer of innovative education techniques. These offerings help to attract students to the University and enhance the University’s reputation. The University therefore believes that Aston Replay bestows benefits for staff and students alike.