Frequently visited pages
What is Panopto and Aston Replay
Introduction to lecture recording at Aston University
Provision Blackboard with Aston Replay
Set up your Blackboard course to use Panopto
Record in an Aston teaching room
Record your live lecture on campus directly into Blackboard
Using Panopto to create online teaching material
Creating teaching material with Panopto to be used on Blackboard
Installing Panopto on your own machine
Installing and setting up Panopto on your own office / lab machine
Copy sessions to another folder
Want to re-use existing Panopto recordings in a current module? Learn how here.
Move sessions to another folder
Recorded a session to the wrong folder? Learn how to fix it.
Edit your Panopto recordings
Tidy up your session, change the thumbnail, splice, remix, embed webpages
Captioning a Panopto recording
Add Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Captions into a session
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