You must be aware of the copyright implications of using this tool.
Record sessions for a module
We use Panopto’s integration with Blackboard to control access to sessions.
First, you’ll need to provision the Blackboard course(s) for the module(s) you wish to record. This will create a folder in Panopto you and other instructors can record to, either in teaching rooms at Aston or on your own computer. Only the students enrolled on the module will be able to view, but you can share with other modules or the rest of the institution if required.
Record events
You can use Aston Replay to record sessions outside of modules, eg an event. You’ll need to get in touch with us so we can set you up with somewhere to record it to.
Email for more information.
Provision a Blackboard Course
Before you record something, you need to create somewhere for you to record to.
Panopto Capture
Easily create Panopto sessions containing audio, video, and screen captures without downloading and installing the Panopto recorder.
Record in a pool room
How to record your lecture in an Aston teaching room
Using the Panopto Recorder to create online teaching material
Installing Panopto on your own computer
Flip your lecture; record elsewhere.
My Folder
Upload Content Not Recorded in Panopto
You’re not limited to using the Panopto Recorder to create sessions in Replay. This may be material such as a video export of a presentation from PowerPoint, or material recorded from a camera. You can even upload MP3 files with just audio.
Inform your students
Let your students know the session is being recorded. To help you in this, we've produced a slide you can insert into your presentations.
Create A Live Session (Webcast)
Webcasting a session is as simple as ticking a box in the Panopto Recorder before you record your session. However, a little bit of preparation will ensure a much smoother experience for your viewers.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Now you can use a few keys to toggle the start, pause, and stop functions on the Panopto Recorder even if it is minimized or not the currently active window.
A session not appearing in Blackboard could be down to a couple of things - you recorded it to the wrong Panopto folder, it is still in the encoding queue, you made an offline recording, or something's gone wrong.